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Barset Novels
- Barchester Towers
- Doctor Thorne
- Framley Parsonage
- The Last Chronicle of Barset
- The Small House at Allington
- The Warden
Christmas Stories
- Catherine Carmichael; Or Three Years Running
- Christmas At Thompson Hall
- Christmas Day At Kirkby Cottage
- The Mistletoe Bough
- Not If I Know It
- The Two Generals
- The Two Heroines of Plumplington
- The Widow’s Mite
Comic Novels
Courtship and Marriage
- Alice Dugdale
- The Courtship Of Susan Bell
- Katchen’s Caprices
- Lady Of Launay
- Malachi’s Cove
- The O’Conors Of Castle Conor
- The Parson’s Daughter Of Oxney Colne
- The Telegraph Girl
Dramatic Novels
- The Claverings
- Cousin Henry
- Dr. Wortle’s School
- He Knew He Was Right
- Lady Anna
- Marion Fay
- Orley Farm
- Ralph The Heir
- Sir Harry Hotspur Of Humblethwaite
- The Vicar Of Bullhampton
- The Way We Live Now
Editors and Writers
Irish Novels
- Castle Richmond
- An Eye For An Eye
- The Kellys and the O’Kellys
- The Landleaguers
- The Macdermots Of Ballycloran
Overseas Novels
- The Bertrams
- The Golden Lion of Granpère
- Harry Heathcote of Gangoil
- John Caldigate
- Linda Tressel
- Nina Balatka
- La Vendée
Palliser Novels
Short Stories
- John Bull On The Guadalquivir
- Kept In The Dark
- Miss Ophelia Gledd
- Mrs. General Talboys
- Never, Never, – Never, Never
- The Noble Jilt
- Why Frau Frohmann Raised Her Prices
The Journey to Panama
- Gentle Euphemia
- The House Of Heine Brothers In Munich
- The Journey To Panama
- The Last Austrian Who Left Venice
- Lotta Schmidt
- La Mere Bauche
Tourists and Colonials
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- Acorn, Lawrence
- Adamson, Jack
- Agra, Bishop Of
- Alasco
- Albury, Rosaline, Lady
- Albury, Sir Harry
- Alf, Ferdinand
- Allan, The Rev. Mr
- Allewinde, Mr
- Alston, Lord
- Altifiorla, Francesca
- Altringham, Earl Of
- Altringham, Lady
- Amblethwaite, Mr
- Amedroz, Bernard
- Amedroz, Charles
- Amedroz, Clara
- Amedroz, Mrs. Bernard
- Americans In Trollope’s Works
- Amsel, Heinrich
- Amsel, Lotta
- Anderson, Hugh
- Annesley, Harry
- Annesley, The Rev. And Mrs
- Anticant, Dr. Pessimist
- Apjohn, Mr
- Apjohn, Nicholas
- Appledom, Mr
- Arabin, Mrs. Eleanor
- Arabin, Susan
- Arabin, The Rev. Francis
- Aram, Solomon
- Arbthnot, Mrs. Isabella (staveley)
- Arbuthnot, Marion
- Archer, Maurice
- Arkwright, Harry
- Armstrong, Mrs. Julia
- Armstrong, The Rev. Joseph
- Armstrong, Toby
- Askerton, Colonel
- Askerton, Mrs. Mary
- Auld Reekie, Marchioness Of
- Auld Reekie, Marquis of
- Aylmer, Anthony
- Aylmer, Belinda
- Aylmer, Capt. Frederick Folliott
- Aylmer, Lady
- Aylmer, Sir Anthony
- Babington, Humphrey
- Babington, John
- Babington, Julia
- Babington, Mrs. Mary Anne(“aunt Polly”)
- Baggett, Mrs
- Baggett, Sergeant
- Bagwax, Samuel
- Bailey, Catherine
- Baird, Catherine
- Baker, Henry
- Baker, Mary
- Balatka, Ipser
- Balatka, Nina
- Baldock, Lady
- Baldoni, Beatrice Marchesa D’
- Baldoni, Nina
- Ball, John
- Ball, Jonathan
- Ball, Lady
- Ball, Sir John
- Ballindine, Lord
- Balsam, Mr
- Bangles, Peter
- Banmann, Baroness
- Barchester, Bishop Of
- Barham, Father John
- Barry, Mr
- Barton, Bishop, Of Brotherton
- Bates, Mr
- Batherbolt, The Rev. Mr
- Batsby, Capt. Benjamin
- Battle, Mr
- Battleax, Captain
- Bauche, Adolphe
- Bauche, La Mere
- Bawwah, Herr
- Bearside, Mr
- Beckard, The Rev. Phineas
- Bedesmen In Hiram Hospital
- Beeswax, Sir Timothy
- Beilby, Mr
- Bell, Hetta
- Bell, Mrs
- Bell, Susan
- Belleroache, Captain
- Bellfield, Capt. Gustavus
- Belton, Mary
- Belton, Will
- Bender, Karl
- Benjamin, Mr
- Berdmore, Jack
- Bergen, Anastasia
- Bergen, Mr
- Berrier, Pierre
- Bertram, George
- Bertram, George, Sr
- Bertram, Sir Lionel
- Bideawhile, Mr
- Bideford, Lord George
- Biffin, Major
- Biggs, Martha
- Biles, Miss
- Birdbott, Serjeant
- Blake, Dr
- Blake, The Rev. Montagu
- Blake, The Rev. Septimus
- Blake, Thomas
- Blake, Walter
- Bluestone, Alice
- Bluestone, Mrs
- Bluestone, Serjeant
- Boanerges, Lord
- Boardotrade, Lord
- Bodkin, Peter
- Bodkin, Sir Boreas
- Bodkin, Sir Nicholas
- Boffin, Mr
- Bogen, Max
- Bogen, Mrs. Fanny
- Bold, John
- Bold, Johnnie
- Bold, Mary
- Bold, Mrs. Eleanor
- Bollum, Richard
- Bolster, Mrs. Bridget
- Bolt, Sir Simon
- Boltby, John
- Bolton, Daniel
- Bolton, Hester
- Bolton, Mrs. Mary
- Bolton, Nicholas
- Bolton, Nicholas, Jr
- Bolton, Robert
- Bolton, William
- Boncassen, Ezekiel
- Boncassen, Isabel
- Boncassen, Mrs. Ezekiel
- Bonebreaker
- Bonner, Mary
- Bonteen, Mr
- Bonteen, Mrs
- Boodle, Captain
- Booker, Alfred
- Boreham, The Hon. Augusta
- Boscobel
- Botsey, Ned And Frank
- Bott, Mr
- Bouncer, Mr
- Boyce, The Rev. Mr
- Bozzle, Samuel
- Brabazon, Hermione
- Brabazon, Julia
- Brabazon, Lady
- Bracy, Earl
- Brady, Mary
- Brady, Pat
- Bramber, Mr. Justice
- Brattle George
- Brattle, Carry
- Brattle, Fanny
- Brattle, Jacob
- Brattle, Mrs. Maggie
- Brattle, Sam
- Brawl, Baron
- Breghert, Ezekiel
- Brentford, Earl Of
- Brien Boru
- Brisket, William
- Brock, Lord
- Broderick, Isabel
- Broderick, Mr
- Broderick, Mrs
- Broderick, Sir William
- Bromar, Marie
- Bromley, The Rev. Thomas
- Brosnan, Father
- Brotherton, Dowager Marchioness Of
- Brotherton, Frederick Augustus, Marquis Of
- Broughton, Bishop Of
- Broughton, Capt. John
- Broughton, Dobbs
- Broughton, Mrs. Maria
- Broune, Nicholas
- Browborough, Mr
- Brown, Charles
- Brown, Fred
- Brown, George
- Brown, Jonas
- Brown, Julia
- Brown, Maryanne
- Brown, Mr
- Brown, Mrs. Mary
- Brown, Septimus
- Brown, Sir Ferdinando
- Brownbies Of Boolabong
- Brownlow, Edith
- Brownlow, Mrs
- Brownlow, Mrs
- Brudo, Madame
- Bruhl, Adela
- Brumby, Mrs
- Buckish, Lord
- Buffle, Sir Raffle
- Buggins, Mr
- Buggins, Mrs
- Bullbean, Mr
- Bumpwell, Dr
- Bunce
- Bunce, Jacob
- Bunfit, Mr
- Bunratty, Marquis Of
- Buntingford, Lord
- Burgess, Bartholomew
- Burgess, Brooke
- Burmiston, Mr
- Burnaby, Serjeant
- Burrows, John
- Burrows, Mrs
- Burslem, The Rev. Mr
- Burton, Florence
- Burton, Mr
- Burton, Mrs
- Burton, Mrs. Cecilia
- Burton, Theodore
- Butterwell, Mr
- Caldigate, Daniel
- Caldigate, George
- Caldigate, John
- Caldigate, Mrs. Hester
- Calvert, Marie
- Campan, Theodore
- Camperdown, John
- Camperdown, Samuel
- Cane, Betsy
- Caneback, Major
- Cann, Billy
- Canolin, Father
- Cantor, Joseph (father And Son)
- Cantrip, Lady
- Cantrip, Lord
- Carbottle, Mr
- Carbuncle, Mrs. Jane
- Carbury, Henrietta
- Carbury, Matilda, Lady
- Carbury, Roger
- Carbury, Sir Felix
- Carey, Mr
- Carmichael, John
- Carmichael, Mrs. Catherine (baird)
- Carmichael, Peter
- Carroll, Capt. Patrick
- Carroll, Pat
- Carroll, Terry
- Carruthers, Lord George De Bruce
- Carstairs, Lord
- Carter, The Rev. Mr
- Cartwright, Mr
- Cashel, Lady
- Cashel, Lord
- Cassewary, Miss
- Castlewell, Lord
- Cathelineau, Mme. Francoise
- Century, Dr
- Cettini, Mademoiselle
- Chadwick, John
- Chaffanbrass. Mr
- Chamberlaine, The Rev. Henry Fitzackerly
- Chapeau, Jacques
- Charleys, Sir Thomas, Of Charlicoats
- Chass, General
- Cheekey, John
- Cheesacre, Samuel
- Chevalier, Le Petit
- Chiltern, Oswald Standish,lord
- Chiltern, Violet (Effingham), Lady
- China, Emperor Of
- Chouans
- Chouardin, General
- Clandidlem, Lady
- Clarkson, Mr
- Clavering, Archibald
- Clavering, Fanny
- Clavering, Harry
- Clavering, Hermione (brabazon), Lady
- Clavering, Mary
- Clavering, Mrs. Henry
- Clavering, Sir Hugh
- Clavering, The Rev. Henry
- Clayton, Capt. Yorke
- Clifford, Lady Anne
- Closerstil, Mr
- Cloudesdale
- Clutterbuck, Maria
- Cogan
- Cohenlupe Samuel
- Colligan, Dr
- Colza, Miss
- Comfort, The Rev. Charles
- Contort, Patty
- Corkscrew, Verax
- Cornbury, Butler
- Cornbury, Mrs. Patty (comfort)
- Cornbury, Walter
- Courton, John
- Coverdale, Kate And Patty
- Cox, Lieutenant
- Cox, Mrs
- Crabstick, Patience
- Crabwitz, Mr
- Cradell, Joseph
- Crasweller, Eva
- Crasweller, Gabriel
- Craucher, Serjeant
- Crawley, Bob
- Crawley, Grace
- Crawley, Jane
- Crawley, Mrs. Mary
- Crawley, The Rev. Josiah
- Creagh, The, Rev. Colomb
- Crinkett, Timothy
- Crinola, Duca Di
- Crippel, Herr
- Crocker, Samuel
- Crofts, Dr. James
- Croll, Mr
- Crook, Sir William
- Crosbie, Adolphus
- Crosbie, Lady Alexandrina (de Courcy)
- Crosstrees, Lieutenant
- Crowdy, Mrs. Blanche (Robarts)
- Crowe, Mr
- Crumb, John
- Crumbie, Judge
- Crump, Jonas
- Crump, Mr
- Crump, Mrs
- Crumple, Jonathan
- Cruse, The Rev. Mr
- Cullen, Father
- Culpepper, Captain
- Cummings, Maurice
- Cummings, Mr
- Curling, Mr
- Curlydown, Jemima
- Curlydown, Mr
- Cuttwater, Capt. Bartholomew (“uncle Bat”)
- D’almavivas, Marquis
- D’arcy, Mrs
- Daguilar, Marie
- Dale, Bell (Isabella)
- Dale, Bell And Lily
- Dale, Bernard
- Dale, Christopher
- Dale, Col. Orlando
- Dale, Lily
- Dale, Mrs. Mary
- Dale, Philip
- Dalrymple, Conway
- Daly, Kate
- Daly, Mr. J
- Daly, Tom
- Damer, Fanny
- Damer, Mr
- Dandy And Flirt
- Daubeny, Mr
- Davis Mr
- Davis, Julia
- Davis, Mrs
- Dawkins, Sabrina
- De Baron, Adelaide
- De Baron, Capt. Jack
- De Baron, Mr
- De Courcy Family
- De Courcy, Countess Rosina
- De Courcy, Earl
- De Courcy, Lady Alexandrina
- De Courcy, Lady Amelia
- De Courcy, Lady Margaretta
- De Courcy, Lady Rosina
- De Courcy, The Hon. George
- De Courcy, The Hon. John
- De Courcy, The Hon.
- De Guest, Lady Julia
- De Guest, Theodore, Earl
- De Terrier, Lord
- Deepbell, Lady
- Delabarbe De L’empereur, M
- Delabordeau, M
- Demijohn, Clara
- Demijohn, Mrs. Jemima
- Demolines, Lady
- Demolines, Madalina
- Denot, Adolphe
- Desmond, Clara, Dowager Countess Of Desmond
- Desmond, Lady Clara
- Desmond, Patrick, Earl Of Desmond
- Didon, Elise
- Die, Neversaye
- Dobbes, Reginald
- Dobbs, Montgomerie
- Docimer, Imogene
- Docimer, Mudbury
- Dockwrath, Mrs. Miriam (usbeck)
- Dockwrath, Samuel
- Doctors In Trollope’s Works
- Dolan, Corney
- Dolan, Widow
- Donellan, Captain
- Dormer, Ayala
- Dormer, Egbert
- Dormer, Lucy
- Dosett, Mrs. Margaret
- Dosett, Reginald
- Dove, Thomas
- Dribble, The Rev. Abraham
- Drought, Sir Orlando
- Drummond, Lord
- Du Boung, Mr
- Duffer, Mrs
- Dugdale, Alice
- Dugdale, Dr
- Dumbello, Griselda (grantly), Lady
- Dumbello, Gustavus, Lord
- Dunn, Aaron
- Dunn, Onesiphorus (Siph)
- Dunstable, Emily
- Dunstable, Martha
- Duplay, Eleanor
- Duplay, Simon
- Eames, Johnny
- Eames, Mary
- Eames, Mrs
- Eardham, Augusta
- Eardham, Lady
- Eardham, Sir George
- Earlybird, Earl Of
- Easyman, Dr
- Ebner, Caspar
- Effingham, Violet
- Ellison, Mrs
- Emilius, The Rev. Joseph
- Erle, Barrington
- Euphemia
- Eustace, Bishop
- Eustace, Florian
- Eustace, John
- Eustace, Lizzie (Greystock), Lady
- Eustace, Sir Florian
- Evans, Gregory
- Everscreech, The Rev. Mr
- Faddle, Samuel
- Fairstairs, Charlotte, Fanny and Joe
- Faragon, Madame
- Father John
- Fawcett Famly
- Fawn, Frederick, Viscount
- Fawn, Lady
- Fay, Marion
- Fay, Zachary
- Fenwick, Mrs. Janet (balfour)
- Fenwick, The Rev. Frank
- Fiasco, Major
- Field, Nora
- Fielding, The Rev. Edward
- Fillgrave, Dr
- Finespun, Mr
- Finn, Dr. Malachi
- Finn, Mrs. Marie (Goesler)
- Finn, Phineas
- Finney, Mr
- Fisher, Mr
- Fisker, Hamilton K
- Fitzallen Albert
- Fitzapplejohn, Anastasia
- Fitzgerald, Burgo
- Fitzgerald, Emmeline And Mary
- Fitzgerald, Herbert
- Fitzgerald, Letty
- Fitzgerald, Mary (wainwright), Lady
- Fitzgerald, Owen
- Fitzgerald, Sir Thomas
- Fitzgibbon, Miss Aspasia
- Fitzgibbon, The Hon. Laurence
- Fitzhoward, Lord James
- Fitzwarren, Lady
- Flannelly, Joe
- Flannelly, Sally
- Flatfleece
- Fleabody, Olivia Q
- Fletcher, Arthur
- Fletcher, John
- Fletcher, Mr
- Fletcher, Mrs
- Flick, Mr
- Folleville Abbe De. (real Person)
- Folliott, Mrs
- Fooks, Captain
- Forrest, Mr
- Forrest, Ralph
- Forrest, Sergeant
- Forrester, Kattie
- Forster Mr
- Forster, Ada
- Fothergill, Mr
- Freeborn, The Rev. Mr
- French Family
- Frew, Frederic F
- Frohmann, Amalia
- Frohmann, Frau
- Frohmann, Peter
- Frummage, Mrs
- Furnival, Mrs. Kitty
- Furnival, Sophia
- Furnival, Thomas
- Gaberlunzie, Lord
- Gager, Mr
- Garnett Mr
- Garrow, Elizabeth
- Garrow, Major
- Gauntlet, Adela
- Gauntlet, Penelope
- Gazebee, Lady Amelia (de Courcy)
- Gazebee, Mortimer
- Gazy, William
- Geraghty, Norah
- Geraldine, Capt. Walter
- Geraldine, Sir Francis
- Germain, Lady Alice
- Germain, Lady Amelia
- Germain, Lady George (mary Lovelace)
- Germain, Lady Sarah
- Germain, Lady Susanna
- Germain, Lord George
- Giblet, Lord
- Gibson, The Rev. Thomas
- Giggs, Sir Ricketty
- Giles, Father (of Ballymoy)
- Giles, Father (of Headford)
- Giles, Mr
- Gilliflower, The Rev. Gabriel
- Gilmore, Harry
- Gitemthruet, Mr
- Glascock, The Hon. Charles
- Gledd, Ophelia
- Glomax, Captain
- Goarly, Dan
- Goesler, Mme. Max
- Goffe, Mr
- Gogram, Mr
- Golightly, Clementina
- Golightly, Mr
- Gondin, M. Le Cure
- Goodall, Mr
- Gordeloup, Sophie
- Gordon, John
- Gorlach, Mr
- Goshawk, Mr
- Goshawk, Mrs
- Gotobed, Elias
- Gowran, Andy
- Graham, Felix
- Graham, Lucy
- Grandnostrel, Count
- Granger, Mrs
- Granger, The Rev. Mr
- Grant, Lady Bertha
- Grantly Family
- Grantly, Bishop
- Grantly, Charles James
- Grantly, Edith
- Grantly, Florinda
- Grantly, Griselda
- Grantly, Henry
- Grantly, Mrs. Susan (Harding)
- Grantly, Rev. Theophilus
- Grantly, Samuel
- Grascour, M
- Grasslough, Lord
- Gray
- Gray, Mr
- Graybody, Mr
- Green, Archibald
- Green, Captain
- Green, Joseph
- Green, Mounser
- Green, Mr. And Mrs. Connop
- Green, Mrs. Adolphus
- Green, Mrs. Bessie
- Green, Mrs. Patmore
- Green, Olivia
- Green, The Rev. Adolphus
- Greenacre, Farmer
- Greenacre, Henry
- Greene, Mr
- Greene, Mrs
- Greene, Sophonisba
- Greenmantix, Mr
- Greenmantle, Emily
- Greenow, Mrs. Arabella
- Greenwood, Mr
- Greenwood, The Rev. Thomas
- Gregory, The Rev. Joshua
- Gregory. Miss Amalia
- Greisse, Edmond
- Grendall, Lord Alfred
- Grendall, Miles
- Gresham, Augusta
- Gresham, Beatrice
- Gresham, Francis Newbold
- Gresham, Francis Newbold, The Younger (Frank)
- Gresham, Harry
- Gresham, John Newbold
- Gresham, Lady Arabella (de Courcy)
- Gresham, Mr. (Prime Minister)
- Gresham, Mrs. Mary (Thorne)
- Gresley, Lord Alfred
- Gresley, Mary
- Grex, Earl
- Grex, Lady Mabel
- Grey, Adolphus
- Grey, Dorothy
- Grey, John
- Grey, John, Mr
- Grey, Lady Selina
- Greystock, Admiral
- Greystock, Dean
- Greystock, Ellinor
- Greystock, Frank
- Greystock, Lizzie
- Greystock, Mrs
- Griffenbottom, Mr
- Griffith, John
- Griggs, Adolphus
- Grimes, Jacob
- Grimes, John
- Grimes, Mrs
- Grogram, Lady
- Grogram, Sir Gregory
- Groschut, The Rev. Joseph
- Growler, Mrs
- Grumpy, Mr
- Grundle, Abraham
- Gunliffe, Barty
- Gunliffe, Farmer
- Gunner, Captain
- Gushing, Miss
- Gwynne, Dr
- Hall, Abraham
- Hall, Squire
- Hallam, Jack
- Hamel, Isadore
- Hamilton, Baron
- Hampstead, Lord
- Handcock, Harry
- Handy, Abel
- Haphazard Sir Abraham
- Harcourt, Caroline (waddington), Lady
- Harcourt, Sir Henry
- Harding, Eleanor
- Harding, Susan
- Harding, The Rev. Septimus
- Hardlines, Sir Gregory
- Hardy, Mr
- Harford, The Rev. Mr
- Harkaway, Mr
- Harrow Students
- Hart, Abraham
- Hart, Mr
- Hart, Samuel
- Hartlepod, Mr
- Hartletop, Dowager Marchioness of
- Hartletop, Griselda (Grantly), Marchioness of
- Hartletop, Gustavus, Marquis of
- Hatfield, Duke Of
- Hatherly, Sir Frederick
- Hautboy, Lord
- Hauteville, Lady Amaldina
- Hearn, Mrs
- Heathcote, Harry
- Heathcote, Mrs. Mary (daly)
- Heine, Ernest
- Heine, Hatto
- Heine, Isa
- Heise, Fanny
- Heise, Jacob
- Herriot, Arthur
- Hesterwell Sisters
- Hippesley, Dean
- Hippesley, Maude
- Hiram, John
- Hittaway, Mrs. Clara
- Hittaway, Orlando
- Hoff, Herr
- Hoggett, Giles
- Hoggett, Mrs
- Holdenough, Canon
- Holdenough, Lady Alice (germain)
- Hollycombe, Jack
- Holmes, Godfrey
- Holmes, Isabella
- Holt, Cecilia
- Holt, Mrs
- Holt, Ralph
- Honeybun, Mr
- Honyman, Mr
- Hopkins
- Hopkins, Mrs
- Hoppen, Herr Von
- Horne, The Rev. Augustus
- Horsball, Mr
- Horton, Mrs. Mary (wade)
- Horton, Wilfred
- Hoskins, Hannibal
- Hotspur, Emily
- Hotspur, George
- Hotspur, Lady Elizabeth
- Hotspur, Sir Harry
- Houghton, Hetta
- Houghton, Jeffrey
- Houghton, Mrs. Adelaide (de Baron)
- Houston, Frank
- Houston, Rosina
- Hughes, Philip
- Hunter, Mr
- Hunter, Mr. And Mrs
- Hurtle, Mrs. Winifred
- Ingram, Jefferson
- Jack, Miss Sarah
- Jacko
- Jacobi, Ruth
- Jaquentanpe Victoire
- Jaquetanape, Mrs. Clementina (golightly)
- Jawstock, Jeremiah
- Jay, Mr. And Mrs
- Jeannette
- Jemima
- Jennings, The Rev. Mr
- Jerningham, Mr
- Jerome, Father
- Jobbles, The Rev. Mr
- John Bright
- Johnson, Thomas
- Jones Mrs
- Jones, Ada
- Jones, Charles Burnaby
- Jones, Edith
- Jones, Florian
- Jones, Frank
- Jones, Henry
- Jones, Indefer
- Jones, Mary Flood
- Jones, Miss
- Jones, Mr
- Jones, Mr
- Jones, Mr
- Jones, Mr., Mrs. And Miss
- Jones, Mrs. Montacute
- Jones, Philip
- Jones, Septimus
- Jones, The Rev. Evan
- Joram, Jacky (probably The Same As Sir John Jorum)
- Jorum, Sir John
- Juniper, Richard
- Kantwise, Mr
- Keegan, Hyacinth
- Keegan, Mrs. Sally (flannelly)
- Kelly Servants
- Kelly, Jack
- Kelly, Jane
- Kelly, Martin
- Kelly, Meg
- Kelly, Mrs. Mary
- Kenneby, John
- Kennedy, Lady Laura (standish)
- Kennedy, Robert
- Kester, Josef
- Kester, Katrina
- Keswick Poet, The
- Kilcullen, Adolphus, Lord
- Kilfenora, Earl Of
- Kilfenora, Lord
- Kingsbury, Clara, Marchioness Of
- Kingsbury, Marquis Of
- Kirwan, Pat
- Knowl, Mrs
- Knox, Mr
- Krapp, Suse
- Lacordaire, M
- Larochejaquelin
- Larochejaquelin, Agatha De
- Larochejaquelin, Marquis De
- Larron, Mam’selle
- Launay, Philip
- Laurier, Johann
- Lawrie, Mary
- Lax, Terry
- Le Gros, Mr
- Le Smyrger, Penelope
- Leatherham, Sir Richard
- Lechelle, General
- Lefroy, Ferdinand
- Lefroy, Robert
- Lescure, Marie De
- Leslie, Marian
- Levy, Mr
- Liese
- Linlithgow, Penelope, Lady (also ‘Susanna’)
- Llwddythlw, Marquis Of
- Lofty, Mrs
- Longestaffe, Adolphus
- Longestaffe, Adolphus, Jr. (“Dolly”)
- Longestaffe, Georgiana
- Longestaffe, Lady Pomona
- Longestaffe, Sophia
- Longstop, Sir Lords
- Longsword, Major
- Lookaloft, Mr
- Lopez, Ferdinand
- Lopez, Mrs. Emily (wharton)
- Loth, Rebecca
- Lovel, Countess
- Lovel, Earl (the Old Earl)
- Lovel, Frederick (the Young Earl)
- Lovel, Julia
- Lovel, Lady Anna
- Lovel, Minnie
- Lovel, Mrs. Jane
- Lovel, The Rev. Charles
- Lovelace, Mary
- Lovelace, The Rev. Henry
- Low, Mr
- Low, Mrs. Georgiana
- Lownd, Isabel
- Lownd, The Rev. John
- Lowther, Mary
- Lufton, Lady
- Lufton, Ludovic, Lord
- Luigi, Catarina, Marchesa D’
- Lupex, Mrs. Maria
- Lupex, Orson
- Lupton, Mr
- Luxa, Lotta
- Lynch, Anastasia
- Lynch, Barry
- Lynch, Simeon (sim)
- M’buffer, Mr
- M’gabbery, Mr
- M’ruen, Jabesh
- Macdermot Servants
- Macdermot, Capt. Tom
- Macdermot, Euphemia
- Macdermot, Lawrence
- Macdermot, Thady
- Mackenzie, Julius
- Mackenzie, Margaret
- Mackenzie, Mrs, Sarah
- Mackenzie, Mrs. Clara
- Mackenzie, Sir Walter
- Mackenzie, Susanna
- Mackenzie, Thomas
- Mackenzie, Walter
- Mackinnon, Conrad
- Mackintosh, Major
- Macleod, Lady
- Macmull, Lady Julia
- Macnuffery, Dr
- Macnulty, Julia
- Maggott, Mick
- Magruin, Mr
- Maguire, The Rev. Jeremiah
- Mahoud Al Ackbar
- Mainsail, Mr
- Mainwaring, The Rev. Mr
- Malachi, Father
- Maltby, Baron
- Manylodes, Mr
- Marrable, Capt. Walter
- Marrable, Colonel
- Marrable, Gregory (4th)
- Marrable, Sarah
- Marrable, Sir Gregory (3rd)
- Marrable, The Rev. John
- Marsham, Mrs
- Martock, Mr
- Marty, Father
- Marylebone, Marquis Of
- Mason, Lucius
- Mason, Mary (Johnson), Lady
- Mason, Mrs. Diana
- Mason, Sir Joseph
- Masters, Gregory
- Masters, Kate
- Masters, Mary
- Masters, Mrs
- Maule, Gerard
- Mayfair, Duchess Of
- Mayfair, Duke Of
- Mccarthy, The Rev. Bernard
- Mccluskie, Lady Glencora
- Mccockerell, Mr
- Mccollop, Captain
- Mcdonnel, Major
- Mcgovery, Denis
- Mcgovery, Mrs. Mary (brady)
- Mcgrath, The Rev. John
- Mcgrew, Peter
- Mchugh, Mrs
- Mckeon, Mrs
- Mckeon, Tony
- Meager Family
- Mealyus, Yosef
- Medlicot, Giles
- Medlicot, Mrs
- Mehan Mrs
- Mellerby, Sophia
- Melmotte Augustus
- Melmotte, Madame
- Melmotte, Marie
- Meredith, Justinia, Lady
- Meredith, Sir George
- Merioneth, Duke Of
- Merton, Dr
- Mewnew, Sir Lamda
- Midlothian, Countess Of
- Midlothian, Margaret, Lady
- Milborough, Dowager Countess Of
- Mildmay, Augusta
- Mildmay, Julia
- Mildmay, Mr
- Mildmay, William
- Miles, Frank
- Miles, Mrs
- Miles, Philip
- Mistletoe, Lord
- Mixet, Joe
- Moffat, Gustavus
- Moggs, Mr
- Moggs, Ontario
- Molescroft, Mr
- Molk, Herr
- Mollett, Abraham
- Mollett, Mary
- Mollett, Matthew
- Mollett, Mrs. Mary
- Molloy, Michael
- Momont
- Momson, Lady Margaret
- Momson, Mr
- Mondyon, Arthur
- Moneylenders In Trollope’s Works
- Monk, Joshua
- Monk, Lady
- Monk, Sir Cosmo
- Monogram, Julia (triplex), Lady
- Monogram, Sir Damask
- Monsell, Fanny
- Montague, Paul
- Montmorenci, Josephine De
- Moody, Major
- Mooney, Kit
- Mooney, Teddy
- Morony, Mrs
- Morris, Dan
- Morris, George
- Morris, Lucy
- Morris, Matthew
- Morris, Robert
- Morris, The Hon. George
- Morrison, The Rev. Alexander
- Morton, John
- Morton, John (3rd)
- Morton, Mr
- Morton, Mrs. Lucy
- Morton, Peter
- Morton, Reginald
- Morton, Reginald (2nd)
- Morton, Reginald (3rd)
- Morton, The Hon. Mrs. John (2nd John)
- Morton, The Rev. Caleb
- Moss, Mahomet M
- Moulder, Mr
- Moulder, Mrs. Mary Anne
- Mount Fidgett, Marquis Of
- Mountfidget, Lord Of
- Mountjoy, Florence
- Mountjoy, Lady
- Mountjoy, Mrs. Sarah
- Mountjoy, Sir Magnus
- Moylan, Mr
- Mulready, Mrs
- Munday, Captain
- Murray, Anna
- Murray, Josephine
- Musselboro, Augustus
- Mutters, Joe
- Nappie, Mr
- Nearthewinde, Mr
- Neefit, Mrs
- Neefit, Polly
- Neefit, Thomas
- Neroni, Julia
- Neroni, Paulo
- Neroni, Signora Madeline (Stanhope)
- Neverbend Ugolina
- Neverbend, Fidus
- Neverbend, John
- Neverbend, Lactimel
- Neverbend, Mrs. Sarah
- Neverbend. Jack
- Neville Fred
- Neville, Jack
- Neville, Mrs
- Newton, Gregory
- Newton, Ralph (not The Heir)
- Newton, Ralph (the Heir)
- Newton, The Rev. Gregory
- Nickem, Samuel
- Nidderdale, Lord
- Nogo, Mr
- Nokes, Bill
- Norman Henry
- Norman, Cuthbert
- Norman, Mrs. Linda (woodward)
- Nupper, Dr
- O’brien, Charles
- O’brien, Kate
- O’callaghan, The Rev. Mr
- O’conor, Thomas
- O’dwyer, Fanny
- O’dwyer, Mick
- O’dwyer, Mr
- O’hara, Captain
- O’hara, Kate
- O’hara, Mrs
- O’kelly, Augusta And Sophia
- O’kelly, Francis John Mountmorris
- O’kelly, The Hon. Mrs
- O’laugher, Mr
- O’mahony, Gerald
- O’mahony, Rachel
- O’malley, Mr
- O’meagher, Mr
- Oakley, Capt. Charles
- Oldeschole, Mr
- Omnium, Duchess of. Lady Glencora Palliser (née Maccluskie)
- Omnium, Duke of
- Omnium, Duke of (the Old Duke)
- Ongar, Julia (Brabazon), Lady
- Ongar, Lord
- Onslow, Herbert
- Optimist, Mr
- Oriel, Mrs. Beatrice (Gresham)
- Oriel, Patience
- Oriel, The Rev. Caleb
- Orme, Mrs. Edith
- Orme, Peregrine
- Orme, Sir Peregrine
- Osborne, Col. Frederic
- Outerman, Nathaniel
- Outhouse, Mrs
- Outhouse, The Rev. Oliphant
- Oval, Sir Kennington
- Owen, The Rev. William
- Oxford University Students
- Packer
- Palliser, Adelaide
- Palliser, Euphemia and Iphigenia Theodata
- Palliser, Jeffrey
- Palliser, Lady Glencora
- Palliser, Lady Glencora (maccluskie)
- Palliser, Lady Mary
- Palliser, Lord Gerald
- Palliser, Mr
- Palliser, Mrs. Jeffrey
- Palliser, Plantagenet
- Parker, Sextus
- Parker,- Mrs. Sextus
- Pateroff, Edouard, Count
- Patterson, Sir William
- Paul, The Rev. Mr
- Peacocke, Mrs. Ella (beaufort)
- Peacocke, The Rev. Henry
- Penge, Caroline
- Penwether, Eleanor, Lady
- Penwether, Sir George
- Pepa, Nina
- Pepe, Carlo
- Peppercorn, Hickory
- Peppercorn, Polly
- Peppermint, Mr
- Percival, Lord
- Persiflage, Geraldine, Lady
- Persiflage, Lord
- Persse, Mr
- Peterborough, Caroline (Spaulding), Lady
- Peterborough, Lord
- Peterborough, Lord (Charles Glascock)
- Peters, Mr
- Petite Vendee, La
- Petrie, Wallachia
- Petty Bag, Lord
- Pickering, Fred
- Pie, Sir Omicron
- Pike, Matthew
- Pile, Mr
- Pipkin, Mrs
- Planken, Fritz
- Plomacy, Mr
- Plume, Augusit
- Podgens, Mr. And Mrs
- Pomfret, John
- Pope, Agnes
- Popenjoy, Lord
- Poppins, Tom
- Popplecourt, Lord
- Porlock, Lord
- Possiit, The Rev. Mr
- Pott Mr
- Potter
- Pountner, The Rev. Dr
- Pountney, Major
- Powell, Dr
- Powell, Lord David
- Pratt, Fowler
- Precis, Alphabet
- Prendergast, Mr
- Prettyman, Annabella And Anne
- Price, Mr
- Price, Mrs
- Prime Minister
- Prime, Mrs. Dorothea (ray)
- Primero Family
- Pritchett, Mr
- Prong, The Rev. Samuel
- Prosper, Peter
- Protest, Lady Selina
- Proudie Family
- Proudie, Mrs
- Proudie, Thomas Bishop
- Pryor, Bessy
- Pryor, John
- Pucker, Miss
- Puddicombe, The Rev. Mr
- Puddlebrane, Mr
- Puddleham, The Rev. Mr
- Pudge
- Puffle, Miss
- Puffle, Mrs. Maryanne
- Pullbody, Dr
- Purefoy, Sir John
- Puttock, The Rev. Mr
- Quaverdale, Mr
- Quickenham, Richard, Q.c
- Quin, Lady Mary
- Quiverful, Mrs. Letitia
- Quiverful, The Rev. Mr
- Ramsbottom, Mr
- Ramsden, Lord
- Rapinski
- Rattler, Mr
- Ray, Dorothea
- Ray, Mrs
- Ray, Rachel
- Reckenthorpe, Frank
- Reckenthorpe, Major
- Reckenthorpe, Tom
- Reddypalm, Mr
- Regan, Patrick
- Rerechild, Dr
- Reynolds, Joe
- Reynolds, Tim
- Ribbonmen
- Ribbs, Mr
- Richards, Mrs
- Ring, Abel
- Roanoke, Lucinda
- Robarts, Blanche
- Robarts, Dr
- Robarts, Gerald
- Robarts, Jane
- Robarts, John (sometimes “jack”)
- Robarts, Lucy
- Robarts, Mark
- Robarts, Mrs. Fanny (Monsell)
- Roberts, Mr
- Robinson, George
- Robinson, Mr
- Roby, Mrs. Harriet
- Roby, Richard
- Roby, Thomas
- Roden, George
- Roden, Mrs. Mary
- Rolland, The Right Rev. Mr
- Romer, Mr
- Rooney, Terry
- Roper, Amelia
- Roper, Mrs
- Rosenheim, Fritz
- Ross, Dick
- Rossiter, Major John
- Rossiter, Mrs
- Rossiter, The Rev. Mr
- Round, Mr
- Rowan, Luke
- Rowan, Mary
- Rowan, Mrs
- Rowley Family
- Rowley, Bessie, Lady
- Rowley, Emily
- Rowley, Nora
- Rowley, Sir Marmaduke
- Rubb, Samuel, Jr
- Rufford, Caroline (penge), Lady
- Rufford, Lord
- Ruggles, Daniel
- Ruggles, Ruby
- Runce, John
- Runciman, Mr
- Salop, Sir Gilbert
- Saul, The Rev. Samuel
- Sawyer, Dr
- Scarborough, Augustus
- Scarborough, Capt. Mountjoy
- Scarborough, John
- Scarborough, Martha
- Scatcherd Servants
- Scatcherd, Lady
- Scatcherd, Mary
- Scatcherd, Sir Louis Philippe
- Scatcherd, Sir Roger
- Scatterall, Richard
- Schlessen, Fritz
- Schmidt, Lotta
- Scott Family
- Scott, Capt. Valentine
- Scott, Mrs. Valentine
- Scott, Undecimus (“undy”)
- Scrobby, Mr
- Scroome, The Hon. Josiah
- Scroope, Earl Of
- Scroope, Mary, Lady
- Scruby, Mr
- Scuttle, Jem
- Seely, Mr
- Sentiment, Mr. Popular
- Seppel, Herr
- Shand, Dick
- Shand, Dr
- Shand, Maria
- Sidonia, Mr
- Silverbridge, Lord
- Sing Sing
- Skulpit, Job
- Slide, Quintus
- Slope, Sir Simon
- Slope, The Rev. Obadiah
- Smiley, Mrs. Maria
- Smirkie, Mrs. Julia (babington)
- Smirkie, The Rev. Augustus
- Smith, Barney
- Smith, Churchill
- Smith, Harold
- Smith, Manfred
- Smith, Mrs. Euphemia
- Smith, Mrs. Harold
- Smith, The Rev. Mr
- Snape, Thomas
- Snapper, The Rev. Mr
- Snoler, Mr
- Snow, Mary
- Snow, Mr
- Soames, Mr
- Socani, Madame
- Somers, Mr
- Souchey
- Sowerby, Nathaniel
- Sparkes, Mrs. Conway
- Spaulding, Caroline
- Spaulding, Jonas
- Spaulding, Olivia
- Spicer, Mr
- Spiveycomb, Mr
- Spondi, Signora Camilla
- Spooner, Miss
- Spooner, Ned
- Spooner, Thomas Platter. A
- Spriggs, Mathew
- Sprout, Mr
- Spruce, Sally
- Sprugeon, Mr
- Squercum, Mr
- St. Bungay, Duchess of
- St. Bungay, Duke Of
- St. George, Lord
- St. Quinten, Mrs. Lydia
- Stackpoole, Mr
- Stanbury, Dorothy
- Stanbury, Hugh
- Stanbury, Jemima (Aunt Stanbury)
- Stanbury, Mrs (of Nuncombe Putney)
- Stanbury, Priscilla
- Standish, Lady Laura
- Standish, Oswald
- Stanhope, Charlotte
- Stanhope, Ethelbert
- Stanhope, Madeline
- Stanhope, Mrs
- Stanhope, The Rev. Dr. Vesey
- Stantiloup, Mrs. Juliana
- Staple, Tom
- Stapledean, Marquis Of
- Staubach, Frau Charlotte
- Staveley Judge
- Staveley, Augustus
- Staveley, Isabella
- Staveley, Lady Isabella
- Staveley, Madeline
- Steelyard, Mr
- Stein, Annot
- Stein, Michael
- Steinmarc, Peter
- Steinmark, Helen
- Steinmark, Mark
- Stemm, Joseph
- Stevenage, Duchess Of
- Stickatit, George
- Stiggs, Mrs
- Stistick, Mr. And Mrs
- Stobe, Herr
- Stobel, Carl
- Stokes, Mr
- Stovey, Farmer
- Stowe, Caroline And Sophie
- Stringer Daniel
- Stringer, John
- Stuart, Jack
- Stubber, Captain
- Stubbs, Col. Jonathan
- Stumfold, Mrs
- Stumfold, The Rev. Mr
- Sturt, Farmer, And Wife
- Supplehouse, Mr
- Surtees The Rev. Mr
- Swan, Mary
- Swanton, The Rev. Mr
- Tagmaggert, Lady Emily
- Talbot, Mr
- Talboys, Mrs. Arabella
- Tallowax, Miss
- Tallowax, Mr
- Tappett Tony
- Tappiit Family
- Tappitt Mrs. Margaret
- Tappitt, Thomas
- Tempest, The Rev. Dr. Mortimer
- Tendel, Fraulein, And Sister
- Tetchen
- Tewett, Sir Griffin
- Thomas, John
- Thomas, Mrs
- Thompson, Jane
- Thompson, John
- Thompson, Mrs
- Thompson, Sarah
- Thorne Servants
- Thorne, Dr. Thomas
- Thorne, Henry
- Thorne, Mary
- Thorne, Monica
- Thorne, Mrs. Martha (Dunstable)
- Thorne, Mrs. Maude (hippesley)
- Thorne, Wilfred
- Thoroughbung, Joe
- Thoroughbung, Matilda
- Thumble, The Rev. Caleb
- Thwaite, Daniel
- Thwaite, Thomas
- Tickle, Jemima
- Tickler, The Rev. Tobias
- Tierney, Mat
- Tifto, Major
- Todd, Miss Sally
- Toff, Mrs
- Toffy, Constable
- Tombe, Mr
- Tomkins, Mary
- Tomlinson, Mrs. Mary (Scatcherd)
- Toogood, Thomus
- Tookey, Fitzwalker
- Topps, Mahogany
- Torrington, Mr
- Towers, Tom
- Townsend, The Rev. Aeneas
- Tozer, John And Tom
- Traffick, Mrs. Augusta (tringle)
- Traffick, Septimus
- Trafford, Lady Frances
- Trafford, Lionel
- Trafford, Lord Augustus Lord Frederic, And Lord Gregory
- Travers, Mr
- Trefoil Miss
- Trefoil, Arabella
- Trefoil, Lady Augustus
- Trefoil, Lord Augustus
- Trefoil, The Rev. Mr
- Tregear, Francis Oliphant (“frank”)
- Tregear, Mr
- Tremenhere, Miss
- Trendellsohn, Anton
- Trendellsohn, Stephen
- Tressel, Linda
- Trevelyan, Louey
- Trevelyan, Louis
- Trevelyan, Mrs. Emily (Rowley)
- Tribbledale, Daniel
- Trigger, Mr
- Tringle, Augusta
- Tringle, Emmeline, Lady
- Tringle, Gertrude
- Tringle, Sir Thomas
- Tringle, Tom
- Tringlos, Mahala
- Tringlos, Malachi
- Tristram, Misses Harriet And Julia
- Trow, Aaron
- Trowbridge, Marquis Of (john Augustus Stowe)
- Trumbull, Farmer
- Tudor, Alaric
- Tudor, Charley
- Tudor, Mrs. Gertrude (woodward)
- Tulla Earl Of
- Turnbull, Mr
- Twentyman, Lawrence
- Twentyman, Mrs. Kate (mas. Ters)
- Twizzle, Polly
- Tyrone, Marquis Of
- Tyrrwhit, Mr
- Ulrica Cousin Of Count Grandnostrel
- Umbleby, Mrs
- Umbleby, Yates
- Underwood, Clarissa
- Underwood, Patience
- Underwood, Sir Thomas
- Unthank, Jackson
- Uppinall, Mr
- Upsel, Count
- Urmand, Adrian
- Usbeck, Jonathan
- Usbeck, Miriam
- Ushant, Margaret, Lady
- Ussher, Capt. Wlf-s
- Valcarm, Ludovic
- Van Siever, Clara
- Van Siever, Mrs
- Vavasor, Alice
- Vavasor, George
- Vavasor, John
- Vavasor, Kate
- Vavasor, Squire
- Veque, Peter
- Veronica John, Sister
- Vigil, Mr. Whip
- Vignoues, Captain
- Vigo, Iiary
- Vincent, Mrs
- Vincke, Capt. Hubert Von
- Viner, Emily
- Vivian, Mr
- Voss, George
- Voss, Michel
- Voss, Mme Josephine
- Vossner, Herr
- Waddington, Caroline
- Waddle, Mr
- Wade, George
- Wainwright, Mary
- Wait, Walker
- Walker Mr
- Walker, George
- Walker, George
- Walker, Green
- Walker, Mr
- Wanless, Georgiana
- Wanless, Margaret, Lady
- Wanless, Sir Walter
- Warburton, Mr
- Webb, Counsellor
- Weber, Marie
- Weiss, Herr
- Westend Sir Warwick
- Western George
- Western, Mr
- Western, Mrs. Cecilia (holt)
- Westmacott, Mr
- Weston Julia
- Weston, Sir William
- Wharton Sir Alured
- Wharton, Abel
- Wharton, Emily
- Wharton, Everett
- Wharton, Mary
- Whereas, Mrs. Martha
- Whiston The Rev. Dr
- White, The Rev. Mr
- Whitstable, George
- Whittlestaff, William
- Wickerby, Mr
- Wilkinson, Mrs. Arthur, Sr
- Wilkinson, The Rev. Arthur Sr
- Wilkinson, The Rev. Arthur, Jr
- Wilson, Legge
- Wilson, Sophy
- Winterbones, Mr
- Winterfield, Mrs
- Winthrop, Zachary
- Woodward, Gertrude
- Woodward, Katie
- Woodward, Linda
- Woodward, Mrs. Bessie
- Woolsworthy, Patience
- Woolsworthy, The Rev. Saul
- Wortle, Dr. Jeffrey
- Wortle, Mary
- Wortle, Mrs. Jeffrey
- Worts, Mr
- Wright, The Rev. Mr
- Wyndham, Fanny
- Wyndham, Furry
- Wynter, Margaret De
- Yeld, Bishop
- Young, Anna
- Younglad, Mr
- Zamenoy, Karil
- Zamenoy, Sophie
- Zamenoy, Ziska