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Katchen’s Caprices

In Harper's Weekly, Dec. 22, 29, 1866; Jan. 5, 12, 1867.

Katrina Kester, daughter of the Golden Lamb innkeeper at Gassau, Upper Austria, was loved by Fritz Rosenheim, but, as he was only a courier, Katrina’s father hoped that she would marry the rich Caspar Ebner, landlord of the flourishing Black Eagle Inn on the other side of the lake. Katrina was torn between a desire to obey her father and her own unacknowledged love for Fritz. However, when Fritz was accused of stealing a valuable box intrusted to his care by his employers, Katrina cut off and sold her beautiful golden hair to help him repay the loss. When the thief was discovered, Fritz and Katrina were married, receiving as a wedding gift from Caspar Ebner the long braid of Katrina’s hair.