He Knew He Was Right ~ Concluding Talk

Dr Nicholas Shrimpton gives the concluding talk of our He Knew He Was Right BIG READ.

Nicholas Shrimpton is an Emeritus Fellow of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. He is the editor of Trollope’s The Prime Minister (2011) and The Warden (2014) for Oxford World’s Classics and the editor of Trollope’s An Autobiography published in 2014 by Oxford University Press.

Illustration: ‘Trevelyan at Casalunga’, reproduced from the first edition published by Strahan and Co, London 1869, 2v by Marcus Stone


He Knew He Was Right: A Bibliography
Anthony Trollope, An Autobiography and other Writings, ed. Nicholas Shrimpton, Oxford World’s Classics, 2014, pp.198-99.

Donald Smalley, ed., Anthony Trollope, The Critical Heritage, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969 (for Henry James, Frederick Napier Broome in the Times August 1869, and The Spectator 12 June 1869).

A.O. J. Cockshut, Anthony Trollope, A Critical Study, Collins, London, 1955.

Arthur Pollard, Anthony Trollope, London, Routledge, 1978.

Anthony Trollope, He Knew He Was Right, ed. P.D. Edwards, University of Queensland Press, 1974, p.8.

P.D. Edwards, Anthony Trollope, His Art and Scope, Hassocks, Harvester Press, 1978 [though note that Edwards here incorrectly suggests that the ‘Madness in Novels’ review of Mrs Henry Wood in the Spectator on 3 February 1866 (which may have encouraged Trollope to attempt a tragic novel involving madness) was, instead, in the Saturday Review, despite having correctly attributed it to the Spectator when he first announced the discovery in Notes & Queries n.s.15 (November 1968)].

Anthony Trollope, He Knew He Was Right, ed. John Sutherland, Oxford World’s Classics, 1985.

Anthony Trollope, He Knew He Was Right, ed. Frank Kermode, London, Penguin, 1994 [repeats P. D. Edwards’s error about the ‘Madness in Novels’ review].

Richard Mullen with James Munson, The Penguin Companion to Trollope, London, Penguin, 1996.

Robert M. Polhemus, The Changing World of Anthony Trollope, University of California Press, 1968.

Walter M. Kendrick, The Novel-Machine: The Theory and Fiction of Anthony Trollope, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins UP, 1980.

Peter K. Garrett, The Victorian Multiplot Novel: Studies in Dialogical Form, New Haven, Yale UP, 1980.

W.H. Auden, ‘The Alienated City: Reflections on “Othello”’, Encounter 95 (August 1961).

Nicholas Rowe, The Fair Penitent (1703), in Bonamy Dobrée, ed., Five Restoration Tragedies, Oxford World’s Classics, 1928.

Patricia Thomas Srebrnik, ‘Trollope, James Virtue, and Saint Pauls Magazine’, in Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 37.3 (December 1982), pp.443-46. [on the original publisher of He Knew He Was Right who did not – as is sometimes suggested – get into financial difficulty as a consequence of the high price he paid for the copyright of the novel].

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