The Small House at Allington ~ BIG READ

From 18th April to 30th May 2022 join Trollope enthusiasts from across the world every two weeks to discuss The Small House at Allington as we read it together on Zoom.

Following the conclusion of the The Small House at Allington  BIG READ, Dr Ellen Moody will give a talk on ‘Barsetshire in Pictures’ looking at Millais’ illustrations for The Small House at Allington and the wider representation of Barsetshire in illustration and television.

Zoom meetings

  • Monday 16th May, 2022 at 8:00pm – Chapters 31-45
  • Monday 30th May, 2022 at 8:00pm – Chapters 46-60
  • Monday 6th June, 2022 at 8:00pm – Barsetshire in Pictures

Terms of use

By registering for this meeting you accept the Trollope Society Zoom Meetings Terms of Use

Register for the group – free

You only need to register once, you can then attend any of the above meetings without needing to register again.

We will send you an email with instructions on how to join and the password. Using Zoom is easy, just click on the link in the email and follow the instructions. Please note that you will not be able to join the meeting until 8.00pm (UK time) on the day.

Map of Allington

Map of Allington from A Guide to Trollope by Gerould and Gerould, drawings by Florence W. Ewing. Published by the Trollope Society by arrangement with Princeton University Press.

Map of Allington

Map of Allington

Copyright 1948 by Princeton University Press; Copyright renewed 1976 by Princeton University Press


Please support the work of the Trollope Society

Address: Free Zoom meeting - Registration required