Online Conversazione ~ Ruthless Females

The North-West Seminar Group usually meets in Manchester. For the time being meetings will take place on Zoom – all are welcome.

Ruthless Females in the Nineteenth Century novel ~ Lizzie Eustace and Becky Sharpe

We will be discussing Anthony Trollope’s Lizzie Eustace from The Eustace Diamonds and Becky Sharpe from Thackeray’s Vanity Fair. We will be exploring the theme of ruthless females the nineteenth century novel. The meeting will take the form of a group discussion on Zoom.

Both novels are available to download free of charge from Project Gutenberg.

  • The Eustace Diamonds, London, Chapman and Hall, 1873. 3 vols. Originally published in The Fortnightly Review, July 1872 – Feb. 1, 1873.
  • Vanity Fair, Serialised in Punch January 1847 to July 1848 (serialised in 20 parts) Book edition first published by Bradbury and Evans, 1848.

For more information on Lizzie Eustace visit our character description page. (Contains plot spoilers)

Terms of use

Register for the group – free

We will send you an email with instructions on how to join and the password. Using Zoom is easy, just click on the link in the email and follow the instructions. Please note that you will not be able to join the meeting until 6.00pm (UK time) on the day of the meeting.

Please note that you will not be able to join the meeting until 6.00pm (UK time) on the day.

Please support the work of the Trollope Society

Address: Free Zoom Meeting - Registration required