Phineas Redux ~ BIG READ

Join us as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the publication of Phineas Redux. From 7th August to 16th October 2023 join Trollope enthusiasts from across the world every two weeks to discuss Phineas Redux as we read it together on Zoom.

Phineas Redux was first published in book format by London, Chapman and Hall, December 1873. 2 vols. Originally published in The Graphic, July 19, 1873 – January 10, 1874.

Professor John Bowen will introduce the novel on Monday 7th August at 8pm (London). He will explore its context, themes and publication history and will return at the end of our BIG READ on 16th October to discuss the whole novel.

John Bowen is Professor of Nineteenth-Century Literature at the University of York, a past President of the Dickens Fellowship, and a Fellow of the English Association. He has written widely on nineteenth-century fiction and is the editor of Trollope’s Phineas Redux and Barchester Towers for Oxford World’s Classics.

Register free for the complete 2023 BIG READ

You only need to register once, you can then attend any of the 2023 BIG READ Zoom meetings without needing to register again. You can cancel your registration at any time.

  • 7th August 2023 – Phineas Redux, Chapters 1-13
  • 21st August 2023 – Phineas Redux, Chapters 14-26
  • 4th September 2023 – Phineas Redux, Chapters 27-39
  • 18th September 2023 – Phineas Redux, Chapters 40-52
  • 2nd October 2023 – Phineas Redux, Chapters 53-66
  • 16th October 2023 – Phineas Redux, Chapters 67-80

Click here to register to attend the Phineas Redux BIG READ Zoom meetings

We will send you an email with instructions on how to join and the password. Using Zoom is easy, just click on the link in the email and follow the instructions. Please note that you will not be able to join the meeting until 8.00pm (UK time) on the day.

Zoom Meetings Terms of Use
Volunteer to introduce a Zoom meeting

Feedback form
Feedback on participation in the Trollope Society’s Zoom reading group and talks.

Join the Online Conversazione WhatsApp group
The group has been set up to allow members of the Zoom Online Group to keep in touch as they read the current novel. You are welcome to join the WhatsApp Group to read the current novel, or simply to take part in the discussions and be part of the group.

Watch recordings of previous Zoom meetings
Watch recordings of our previous Zoom BIG READ introductions, lectures, talks and conference presentations.

Address: Chapters 1-13
Free Zoom meeting - Registration required