WhatsApp Group

If you would like to keep in touch with other Trollope readers across the world you may like to join our WhatsApp Group.
The group has been set up to allow members of the Zoom Online Group to keep in touch as they read the current novel. You are welcome to join the WhatsApp Group to read the current novel, or simply to take part in the discussions and be part of the group.
The Zoom Group also holds regular meetings using the popular video conferencing software Zoom. For details of the current topic, reading schedule and dates of Zoom meetings please see our Calendar of Events.
What is the WhatsApp Group for?
- The primary focus of the group is to allow members of the Zoom Online Group to keep in touch as they read the current novel. This will usually be a novel or other work by Anthony Trollope, but may include the works of Fanny Trollope and other related literature.
- The group also promotes social interaction amongst fellow Trollope readers across the world.
Who can join the group?
Anyone with an interest in reading the works of Anthony Trollope and with a WhatsApp account is welcome to join. You do not need to be a member of the Trollope Society.
How do I join?
Complete the form below and one of the group’s Admin members will invite you to join. Once we have received your application we aim to invite you to the group within 72 hours.
WhatsApp Group Terms of Use
We ask you to read and accept our WhatsApp Group Terms of Use so that all members of the group are aware of the group’s rules and privacy policy.
Provide us with the exact number from your WhatsApp profile
Please note that is important that you give the exact number from your WhatsApp settings, including the international dialling code. Please carefully check your WhatsApp setting and provide the number in the same format as given in your WhatsApp profile, without this we will not be able to add you to the group.