Trollopiana 90

Number 90 ~ Summer 2011


The Trollope Society 23rd Annual Dinner
Barchester Pilgrimage

Michael Williamson, Chair of the Trollope Society, introduces the evening’s excursions in and around Barchester and the county of Barsetshire.

Toasting the Trollope Society

Distinguished actor Clive Swift, who starred in BBC TV’s ‘The Barchester Chronicles’ as Bishop Proudie, recounts his Trollopian experiences.

Angela Thirkell and Anthony Trollope

Genealogist and member of the Thirkell Society, Hilary Clare, discusses how Angela Thirkell wrote about the 20th century descendants of Trollope’s original Barsetshire families.

Can We Name the Guilty Party?

Anthony Gick seeks an answer to the question of who is to blame for the tragic event at the Cliffs of Moher.


Your Letters

Your questions, comments and observations on Trollope and the Trollope Society.

Seminar Groups

A review of our Seminar Groups’ recent activity up and down the country.

Omnium Gatherum

A collection of all sorts of things of interest to Trollopians.


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