Celebrating Anthony Trollope's 209th Birthday

Anthony Trollope was born 24th April 1815 in Keppel Street, London

Happy Birthday


Our regular bulletin

She had been so little thought of all her life by others, that she had never learned to think much of herself.

The Kellys and the O'Kellys

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Events calendar

We have restarted our in-person events, we also have an extensive programme of Zoom events planned, so you can still join us online and meet other Trollope enthusiasts from all over the world.

See the full calendar

See the full calendar

We are often told in our newspapers that England is disgraced by this and by that; by the unreadiness of our army, by the unfitness of our navy, by the irrationality of our laws, by the immobility of our prejudices, and what not; but the real disgrace of England is the railway sandwich, that whited sepulchre, fair enough outside, but so meagre, poor, and spiritless within

He Knew He Was Right