Registration help

We have tried to make our website as easy to use as possible, but sometimes things go wrong. Here are some tips to help you solve some problems that can occur when registering with the site.

Alternatively, you can join us by post by completing and returning our Membership form

Safari web browser

I am using Safari and am having problems with PayPal not loading.

Unfortunately some users are finding that PayPal is not working correctly on Safari. This issue affects all users of Safari and PayPal and is not an issue with the Trollope Society website. Please use an alternative browser.

Existing members

I ticked ‘I’m already a member’ when I registered but I have not received my activation email and password.

We try to activate existing member accounts within two working days. If you have not received your password and it has been more than two days since you registered please complete the form below and we will contact you to help.

New members

I have registered with the site as a new member, my payment has gone through, but I have not received my activation email and password.

The activation email may have gone into your Junk folder, or have it may have been blocked by a spam filter. Please complete the form below and we will contact you to help.

I have tried to register with the site as a new member, but have not been able to make my payment. When I try to repeat the registration process, an error message tells me that my email address is not unique and I am unable to register.

When you click the Submit button the site should automatically move you to our payment processors (PayPal or GoCardless) to make your payment. Once your payment is completed, our site receives a confirmation from the payment processor. If for any reason our site does not receive confirmation of payment your account is held as pending. Please complete the form below and we will reset your application and contact you to ask you to register again.