Trollopiana ~ Issue 128


Available to members only

Trollopiana, Number 128, Summer 2024

Trollopiana (Print) ISSN 2976-7539


Winchester Weekend

Mark Green recalls the recent Trollope Society weekend in Winchester.

Charity Scandals as a Catalyst of Legal Change and Literary Imagination in Nineteenth Century England (Part 1)

James Fishman is Professor of Law Emeritus, Haub School of Law at Pace University. This is the first part of an article which originally appeared in the Summer 2005 edition of the Michigan State Law Review and is reproduced here by kind permission. Citations and references included inthe original have been omitted here for reasons of space.

Is Glencora Palliser a ‘Professional Spouse’?

Jeanne Reed’s Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and Juris Doctor degree brought her to Trollope a long time ago. She has the pleasure of participating in Trollope Society and New York City-and-Beyond online reading groups from her home in Connecticut.

The Way We Live Now 2024

Mark Green is editor of Trollopiana; Copilot is Microsoft’s venture into AI which it describes as “Your everyday AI companion”

Archdeacon Grantly Walks Again: Trollope’s Clergy Then and Now

Michael Williamson, former Chair of the Trollope Society, reports a new publication on Trollope’s characters by Michael Higgins OBE


Omnium Gatherum

A collection of all sorts of things of interest to Trollopians.

A pdf of Trollopiana 128 is available for members to download free of charge.