Is He Popenjoy? BIG READ

The Trollope Society invites you to join our Big Read of Is He Popenjoy?, starting on Monday 3rd June at 8pm (UK). Our Zoom reading group has been bringing Trollope enthusiasts together every two weeks since 2020, and this summer, we delve into Trollope’s intriguing tale of identity and inheritance.

Click here to register free for the Big Read 2024

We will send you an email with instructions on how to join and the password. Using Zoom is easy, just click on the link in the email and follow the instructions. Please note that you will not be able to join the meeting until 8.00pm (UK time) on the day.

Zoom Meetings Terms of Use

The Novel and Its Historical Inspiration

Anthony Trollope’s Is He Popenjoy? isn’t just a gripping story; it’s a window into the anxieties and legal dramas of the Victorian era. Written shortly after the infamous Tichborne Claimant case, Trollope’s novel explores themes of mistaken identity, deception, and the quest for inheritance—echoing the real-life courtroom battles that enthralled the public.

The Tichborne Claimant Case: In the 19th century, Arthur Orton, a butcher from Australia, claimed to be Roger Tichborne, the long-lost heir to the Tichborne estate. This audacious claim led to extensive litigation, sensational trials, and widespread debate over identity and legitimacy. The case, which ran from 1871 to 1874, ended with Orton being exposed as an impostor and sentenced to prison for perjury.

Is He Popenjoy? draws on the intrigue of such legal and social turmoil. The novel revolves around the question of the rightful heir to the Popenjoy estate, with multiple characters vying for inheritance. Trollope masterfully captures the spirit of his time, reflecting the complexities of identity and the lengths to which individuals go to secure wealth and status.

Why join our reading group?

  • Connect with Fellow Trollope Enthusiasts: Our group has over 100 regular participants from around the world. Engage in rich discussions, share your insights, and explore the novel as we read it together over five meetings.
  • Expert Insights: Each session features introductions to the chapters, exploring themes, context, and character development. At the end of the novel, Professor Deborah Morse will lead a concluding talk.
  • Historical Intrigue: Discover the fascinating connection between Is He Popenjoy? and the sensational Tichborne Claimant case that captivated Victorian society.

The online reading group has become a source of joy to me. I eagerly look forward to each fortnightly meeting. The introductory pieces and the group discussions are enhancing my enjoyment of Trollopes’s books. It is wonderful to ‘meet’ with other Trollope readers and share our thoughts together. – Heather

Click here to register free for the Big Read 2024

We will send you an email with instructions on how to join and the password. Using Zoom is easy, just click on the link in the email and follow the instructions. Please note that you will not be able to join the meeting until 8.00pm (UK time) on the day.

Zoom Meetings Terms of Use