Celebrating Anthony Trollope's 209th Birthday

Anthony Trollope was born 24th April 1815 in Keppel Street, London

Happy Birthday


Our regular bulletin

A wonderful, consistent way to feel connected around a common, beloved pursuit. You get used to familiar faces and grow fond of people from around the world that you have never met. It feels like an 'extended family.' The every two week get-together is a much looked forward to activity, always nourishing, stimulating and delightful.

Karen Kleeman

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Events calendar

We have restarted our in-person events, we also have an extensive programme of Zoom events planned, so you can still join us online and meet other Trollope enthusiasts from all over the world.

See the full calendar

See the full calendar

... she did perceive in some dark way that, good as her acting was, it was not quite good enough. Lucy held her ground because she was real. You may knock about a diamond and not even scratch it, whereas paste in rough usage betrays itself. Lizzie, with all her self-assuring protestations, knew that she was paste, and knew that Lucy was real stone.

The Eustace Diamonds, Chapter 65, 'Tribute'